At Boyce care, we treat everyone that receives support from us as an individual that tells us what they need. We have robust support plans that are tailored to meet this and their changing needs that happen as and when they need to, so that people’s treatment, care and support in saftely managed respecting the fact that everyone’s outlook and wishes do change and this includes planning for the future.
If we are slow off the mark, then we are told. We have a management team that is very involved and whilst those we support build very good working relationships with the individuals they support.
Making a complaint is also easy, if for any reason someone felt uncomfortable to make a complaint directly to a team member they can complain to anyone within the organisation. Individuals have accss to a team that not only includes various staff members, but senior members of staff and supervisors. We hold Boyce Care events and managers are always looking to ensure the care we provide is led by those we support. We carry out surveys, have regular participation meetings and managers will visit those we provide care and support to.
A complaint is not something we are shy away from, we embrace change if necessary, and complaints can be a way of making improvments to the service.
We believe that by looking after our skilled staff they will effectively look the individuals, and we pride ourselves on the positive and supportive culture we have built.
We work in partnership with a range of professionals collaboratively to ensure the the very best in support possible.

The individuals we support either live in their own homes or with family and we understand that everyone has the right to do so in a way that is free from bullying, harassment, discrimination, harm, neglect, and abuse.
If any abuse is suspected, our staff are trained to recognise this and take the necessary action.
Living in our own home can be daunting especially if moving away from home for the first time. We have a skilled referrals manager that will meet and explain the services we offer.
Homes need to be safe, and risks kept to a minimum. We will work with the local authority and health professionals to ensure risk assessments are in place to keep people safe at home and in the community. We will work with our partners to identify needs that would require a deprivation of liberty such as a requirement for supervision and not being free to leave without staff. Organisationally we are well versed in the mental capacity act, which includes the deprivation of liberty safeguards. Applications to the court of protection are made when necessary and would include LPA where appropriate.
Informed decision making is fundamental in our practices, and everyone has the right to make their own choices if they have the capacity to do so.
We have systems in place to ensure support is always provided when it is needed to keep individuals safe and this includes the safe administration of medicines and treatment.

We really do care, and we are skilled, and deliver individualised support without limitations. We focus on social inclusion, and development so that goals and aspirations are achieved in so far as is humanly possible.
We focus on people’s strength’s and not their limitations. A strength-based approach to ensure that whilist being safe people can live in their own homes making their own choices on how they wish to live whilst promoting independance.
We focus on privacy, dignity, and preferences. We are open to wishes of those we support and make changes they request.
Everyone has the right to live a fulfilling life that reflects their physical, emotional, mental, and social needs, and by actively listening we can respond as needed.
Family and friends have their say too, and we will often hold events that include everyone. As well as listening to individuals, their family and friends we also listen to our staff who are often a wealth of knowledge.

We pride ourselves in providing effective support to the individuals. Being effective is evidenced through the day-to-day support we provide and in the goals that are achieved.
We work to ensure that individuals reach their aspirations and enhance and embrace their independence in their own homes.
Our staff are skilled to do this, and do through being effectively inducted and trained. All staff must complete their care certificate and we offer specialist training when to meet the needs of certain individuals. We actively encourage our staff to develop their skills and offer vocational based qualifications such as the NVQ in Health and Social Care, further empowering our staff in the skilled work they do.
We work in partnership with various organisations to ensure we are providing the best tailored support, using a person centred approach. We utilise technology where it is deemed helpful and work collaboratively with health care teams, adult social services, work and educational establishments.
We promote individuals making informed choices to take as much control over their lives as possible.

Well Led
Boyce Care was founded by Tony Boyce in 2007, with the aim of delivering better support locally for adults with Autism, a Learning disability and with Complex needs.
This vision is based on autonomy and positive risk taking with a ‘can do’ culture and we achieve this through being transparent and engaging with those we support, their families, the local authorities and the network of professionals involved so that this can be achieved.
Our directors and managers lead by example working directly with individuals and in so doing lead and direct the support staff.
Individuals we support and our staff always have a forum to share their views and express their ideas on how we can do better and what needs changing. No matter in what capacity someone is linked to Boyce Care we will listen and grow the positive culture that promotes equality, diversity, and inclusion so that we meet the changing needs of everyone who receives care and support.